Open Educational Resource Collection for Teachers
Browse by "Open Distance Learning"
7. Post secondary
Kanwar, Asha and Ferreira, Frances and Latchem, Colin, eds. (2013) Women and Leadership in Open and Distance Learning and Development. Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning . Commonwealth of Learning, Canada. ISBN ISBN 978-1-894975-63-6
Daniel, John Sagar (2019) Open Universities: Old concepts and contemporary challenges. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning,, 20 (4).
8. Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Cadwallader, Alan and Standring, Doug and Seelig, Caroline, eds. (2019) Transformation of Open Distance Flexible Learning at the intersection of national reform of Vocational Education and Training. [Teaching/Learning Resource]
9. Teacher Training
Freeman, Richard (2005) Creating Learning Materials for Open and Distance Learning: A Handbook for Authors and Instructional Designers. [Teaching/Learning Resource]